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If you’re selling in this sluggish market, you definitely need some advice to help you sell your home and get a great deal. There are currently many homes for sale, so you have to think smart to be able to sell your home and get the best price. Here are some excellent tips to help you get the best price out of your home, even in the current housing market.

Tip #1 – Be Realistic

You just aren’t going to command the prices you would have a few years ago. You need to be realistic about what your piece of property is actually worth. If you start out with a realistic price, you’re more likely to get what you want out of the property.

Tip #2 – Set a Good Asking Price

It’s important that you set a good asking price if you want the best price out of your home. You don’t want to go too high, since this will chase the buyers away. On the other hand, if you set the price too low, you’ll end up losing money. Compare quotes, look at comparables, and set a price that gives you some room to negotiate.

Tip #3 – Choose a Great Conejo Valley Real Estate Agent

If you want to get a good price on the home you’re selling, choose a great real estate agent. You want an agent that charges a low fee and someone that is going to work hard for you. Go with agents that are busy and successful. Find out how successful they are at selling homes. A deadbeat agent could end up costing you on your sale of property.

Tip #4 – Add Curb Appeal

Curb appeal is so important. It’s the first impression people get when they drive up to your home. Great curb appeal can help you to get the price you want, but without curb appeal, the value of your home is going to drop in the buyer’s eyes. You can enhance curb appeal with a drive that is without clutter, a well cut lawn, a nice front door, and great landscaping.

Tip #5 – Stage Your Home

People who are looking for a new home want to think about how the home will look like when it is their home. Staging your home can help them to do this. This will include getting rid of all the clutter, eliminating excess furniture, taking down personal items, and making sure everything is clean. This way they can walk in the home and picture themselves in the home.

Tip #6 – Add a Home Warranty

Statistics show that sellers that add on a home warranty to the home are able to sell their home for more. It gives just a bit more security to the buyer. You’ll sell faster too, since a home warranty is a great selling point. You can offer to pay for some repairs, to pay the inspection fee, or to foot the closing costs, which are all great ways to negotiate to sell your home for a better price.

Tip #7 – Try an Open House

In some cases, having an open house is a great way to market your home. It can allow people to walk through the home and imagine themselves in the home. If you get a lot of people to the open house, it shows buyers that many people are interested in the property. If buyers like the home and want to make sure they are the ones to get the property, they’ll be willing to pay more.

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